Monday, March 12, 2012


Tuesday, test day.  Today I had done my car batteries test, practical and theoretical.  The practical part was very easy and simple.  I seemed to have a lot of trouble with some of the questions in the test.  although I feel that I am putting a lot of effort into this course, it seemed like some of the questions weren't even mentioned.  But that's none other than my fault.  For example,  question 4. asks:  Explain the chemical reactions in a lead-acid battery when discharged.  I had no clue.  I had doubted that our lecturer mentioned this to us at one point, but as our papers were handed in Hans had explained that he had mentioned it to us earlier in the year. 

Another issue that has been on my mind is how detailed must our answers be.  I seem to have learned to write answers in a detailed Fashion, enough detail that what my old teacher used to say "an idiot could even understand".  For example,  question 3. asks:  Explain two ways to check the state of charge of a battery.  The class seemed to have used their space in the test paper wisely and simply wrote "Use a volt meter or a load tester".  I had written a full detailed description on how to do the formal procedure of testing the state of charge.  Even when I was taking the practical test in testing batteries, I would explain what we did before working on car batteries, which was a full visual inspection.   This included everything from checking leaks to corrosion to cable neatness.

One of the questions that really got me questioning was question 6; it asks: how do we clean a battery with and what do we use?  I seemed to have no idea what the answer to this was.  But then again i think of all the times when Hans is explaining things to the class and only half of us are listening, can't blame him.

Other than that, It seems like my writing style takes too much time, but then again, detailed answers to me seem to be the ones that are always on the safe side and tend to get the A marks, assuming they are correct.

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